The Goals (introduction)


It’s a bit naïve to think we have all figured up when we start to travel a new road, that we have all planned and that we know what will do and how we will react to every circumstance that happens along the way.  One of the things I learned in my life is that planning, as a tool to diminish uncertainty and to give us confidence, is overrated. It’s more important the ability to adapt to the inevitable surprises that the road ahead will bring. What it’s indispensable to travel is to have a reason and a goal. I already wrote about my reasons. and now I will write about the initials goals that I have.

When I visualize where I want to be in 19 months and compare it with where I am now I find that the gap can be overwhelming. I know that my goals are ambitious and that may be contradictory sometimes, or that may need incompatible actions in order the achieve them. So to better define a prioritize the “scope of this project” it is needed to classify the goals as follows:

Professional Goals: What I want to spend my productive time in the next 19 months? What I expect to accomplish?

Health-related Goals: What are my habits now and how they impact my health? What they should be when I turn 40?

Emotional Goals: Basically, how to avoid getting crazy on this road ahead, and how to achieve balance.

Some of this goals are specific and measurable, some are subjective and voluble. Some of this goals seems, at least at the beginning, under my control and influence, but others depends on external factors. Lastly, I imagine that the road will bring new goals, and make some of this obsolete, but in any case this are the one at the beginning of the road.

Each goal category deserves a detailed explanation on their own, so instead of making this a long post, I will make a post for each one in the next days.